Joana Maciel e Pedro Monteiro iniciaram um movimento que é um apelo inteligente e bem conseguido contra os prenúncios do fim do jornalismo impresso.
Aqui fica a informação do pontapé de saída desta iniciativa que retirei do Whatype.
«Here at whatype we don’t believe this are the times of the end of print. Sure that the crisis isn’t helping newspapers but the real deal is that the newspapers industry is an old one. What’s keeping readers away from newspapers is the way that the industry isn’t able too change within itself.
With every newspaper that is closed, with every journalist that is fired, a bit of freedom of speech, a bit of democracy is being lost. There’s no way to substitute the role of good journalism (the citizen journalism is a good thing but it’s still no substitute).
To try and change this, whatype is starting a movement. We’ve made 4 different posters A4 sized so that everyone can print them and post them everywhere. In each poster we’ve included a message to everyone in the newspaper industry.
Our challenge for you is to print as much as you want/can and post them where you think they can make a difference – newsrooms (outside and inside), near distribution points, etc.
By supporting your newspaper you will fight for your own voice. By telling what you want and expect from a newspaper, one that’s worth both your money and your time, you will be fighting for a better world.
You can download the posters (...)
By: Pedro Monteiro»
Agora toca a espalhar a mensagem....
1 comentário:
Uma excelente iniciativa e a contrastar com a passividade reinante no mundo jornalístico.
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